Please join Mei and enjoy an amazing Sound Bath experience at the beautiful space of Barefoot.

Sound bath is an ancient practice designed to bring deep relaxation and meditation. It uses a variety of instruments, including Himalayan singing bowls, crystal bowls, gongs, chimes, and human voice, to create a landscape of sound that washes over you.

Just lie down, close your eyes, and let the sound waves bring you to a deep sense of meditative relaxation.

There are 5 events in the New Year to Spring:

Date, Time, and Theme of each event:
1/25 New Year Reset
2/15 Self LOVE
3/22 Spring Cleaning
4/19 Reborn
5/10 Mother’s Day Special
All events are on Saturday 5-6 pm
No experience is needed, bring your yoga mat, and eye pillow and enjoy!
(sign up early to save your spot!)